Saturday, 9 July 2011

Google Plus

Up till now Google to me was mostly "search". Now i love Google's super clean interface.

And as a mac user we love not thing more. I also do have a Gmail Account, well two, a "kesnut@ and kester.johnson@ that i use for odd things and my main account is MobleMe from Apple.
 So a buddy of mine +Ismaaeel Baksh sent me a Google+ invite seeing that we both share the love for iPhones mainly and other tech stuff. Now in my mind i was thinking that i not going to do this "facebook: thing again, if it is anything like that i am out". But on looking at it was given "circles"
 and my mind said, "hey, we can redo this the *right* way",  where yes i have friends, but there are the friends that i just lime with, as opposed to the friends i have a vested interest in and like the family member that you call and then there are the ones that you only see at Christmas. 

What would be my first circle?
I have about 350+ contact in my gmail, is it that i only know 6 ppl with Macs, No, But these are the ppl, that if it where 3am and Steve jobs was at my house, if they where not on their way, i can wake them and tell them. (overly dramatic of course). But these are the ppl, not only have a mac or an iPhone, but live in the Apple ecosystem. People who have used macs for 25yrs plus, and stayed with apple in the up and down, we knew, we loved the products that much. It was a honest Circle and it was something that could not be done in twitter, facebook or skype, because Google+ now lets me, post news, videos, links, have chats voice or video, with this group only and from one interface. 

I can now organize my life online the same as my real life. Now with that said, those with "fake" online lives, the switch may not be as "nice". Google "assumes" that you are, who you say you are. And if it is that you want to live in a world where people are who they say they are, you will totally love Google+. This meant that i will need investing more in my kester.johnson account and build on the creditability of that name. I don't think that there was any other time in the human race, where your voice was just key strokes away for the world to see, less you live in china. I not saying that this is so because of Goolge plus, but because of the Times we live in. It is getting harder to find "credible" sources out there, more are more people are finding it easy to have their views heard, true or false, positive or negative. So when i see +Leo Laporte, i know that is leo and that is a voice that i trust because and i can feel safe in following.

So i have lost a weekend and a week, playing with Google+ and in doing so i have been playing with all of the other Google's apps and i have found these that guys have some really good apps. Reader and Analytic are the ones i am playing with now. Some i have added to my iPhone like Latitude, this weekend, i will be moving all my contacts to Google+ and have it sorted. Even move all my work contact and see if you have work and home separated.

Now this service is still in beta, and Google says that there for lots of more stuff coming, but i am liking it already.

Have a good weekend all...
See ren, i post... :)

1 comment:

  1. I see that you posted :p

    Haven't spent much time on it yet - looks like a cleaner version of FB... with some added features.. will see how it goes.
